Test Guide

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Section 6: CSET: Music Subtest  1 
Functional Keyboard Proficiency Exercises

Exercise 1

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.


Exercise 2

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.


Exercise 3

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.


Exercise 4

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.


Exercise 5

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.


Exercise 6

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.



Exercise 1. [Public Domain] [Adapted] Abalone. As appears in Elizabeth Crook, Bennett Reimer, and David S. Walker (Eds.), (1985) Silver Burdett Music Centennial Edition (Teacher's ed., Vol. 4) (p. 261). Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company.

Exercise 2. [Public Domain] [Adapted] New River Train. As appears in Elizabeth Crook, Bennett Reimer, and David S. Walker (Eds.), (1985) Silver Burdett Music Centennial Edition (Teacher's ed., Vol. 6) (p. 201). Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company.

Exercise 3. [Public Domain] [Adapted] Wabash Cannon Ball. As appears in Patricia Hackett and Carolynn A. Lindeman (Eds.), (2001) The Musical Classroom: Backgrounds, Models, and Skills for Elementary Teaching (5th ed.) (p. 383). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Exercise 4. [Public Domain] [Adapted] Maņana. As appears in Elizabeth Crook, Bennett Reimer, and David S. Walker (Eds.), (1985) Silver Burdett Music Centennial Edition (Teacher's ed., Vol. 4) (p. 76). Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company.

Exercise 5. [Public Domain] [Adapted] My Lord, What a Morning. As appears in Bennett Reimer, Mary E. Hoffman, and Albert McNeil (Eds.), (1985) Silver Burdett Music Centennial Edition (Teacher's ed., Vol. 8) (p. 258). Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company.

Exercise 6. [Public Domain] [Adapted] Streets of Laredo. As appears in Bennett Reimer, Mary E. Hoffman, and Albert McNeil (Eds.), (1985) Silver Burdett Music Centennial Edition (Teacher's ed., Vol. 8) (p. 266). Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company.

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